Friday, September 29, 2006

In the summer of 2004 my wife, Robin, and I spent a great deal of time looking around various arts and crafts shows in the Delaware Valley. We had noticed a great deal of very talented people had no on-line prescence. They had no web site or if they did it was poorly put together and rarely updated. I expressed to several business associates my thoughts and they suggested that I survey patrons in various locations. The results confirmed some suspicions that I had. One, very talented and creative people are under-represented on line. They develop various visually pleasing objects with their innovative minds and talents. Within this space in the future I will attempt to highlight and describe some of the truly talented people that I encounter in my travels. I will focus the individual posts on their craft. If they have web sites and a web prescence, I will provide links to them and I will attempt to highlight them on my newly created site, Please feel free to rebut my opinions and provide sites and shows where you feel that talent is exhibited. I would like to get into a useful and intelligent dialogue with various art fans who may have an opinion on exactly what constitues art.

Signed, Art Fan